An effective way to apply micronutrients
Optimise plant growth with Verno’s range of copper, zinc and manganese micronutrient fertilisers.
From cotton crops to citrus trees and everything in between, Verno’s simple-to-use micronutrient fertilisers ensure prolonged micronutrient availability in broadacre field crops and horticulture produce.
Verno’s unique formulation as uniform micro granules offers a cost-effective and sustainable way to increase fertiliser coverage, with lower application rates.

How it works
When added to water, Verno’s micro granules disperse rapidly, resulting in a fine suspension of micronised particles that can be used for foliar or pop-up applications.
The micronised particles stay on plant surfaces, strongly resisting rain, irrigation or wind dislodgement. This persistence provides plants with a continuous source of available micronutrient ions throughout the growth of the crop.
Verno micronutrients are perfect for various crops including:
Maize & Sweet Corn
Stone fruit
Vegetable Crop
Viticulture Crop
Winter Cropping
Find out more
Find out more about Verno micronutrients
Download Verno Micronutrients SDS Forms
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Want to learn how to increase fertiliser coverage, with lower application rates?